Linx Gaia Herb Vaporizer
The Gaia by Linx is a dry herb vaporizer that uses both convection and conduction heating to produce rich, clean hits. The portable vaporizer is fitted with a full quartz oven that heats evenly, a glass mouthpiece for a cleaner taste, and a temperature range of 93°C – 220°C (200°F – 428°F) for a selection of vaping styles. The Gaia measures just under 8 cm / 3.15 inches in height and is equipped with a powerful 2200mAh battery that provides up to one hour of use on a single charge. The OLED screen displays accurate temperature information in Celsius and Fahrenheit, and the device is operated with the power button and the up and down temperature buttons. All materials used in construction are rigorously tested, and the durable, metal body of the Linx Gaia is paint-free.
To use the Gaia, remove the magnetic mouthpiece cap, then unscrew the mouthpiece from the unit to access and load the quartz oven. Screw the mouthpiece back on and click the power button five times to activate the device. You can select your temperature setting with the up and down buttons, and the blinking flame icon will turn solid when you have reached the desired temperature. The Gaia has a 40-second heat-up time, and the auto shut-off is activated after four minutes for safety. The Gaia has a built-in stir tool in its base, and the unit can be fully charged within 3-4 hours via the included 2-in-1 Lightning and Micro USB charging cable.
The vaporizers durable metallic shell is decorated with the Linx logo, comes delivered with all the accessories listed below and is available to order in the following colors: Onyx and Steel. Please select the color of choice from the available options in the dropdown menu when placing your order. The Linx Gaia Herb Vaporizer comes with a 1 year manufacturer warranty and is available for an unbeatable price, while stocks last. Order your Gaia Herb Vaporizer by Linx today for an unbeatable price at your number one smoke shop, Grasscity.
What’s in the box:
- 1 x Linx Gaia Vaporizer
- 1 x Linx Gaia Mouthpiece Cap
- 1 x Linx Gaia Funnel
- 1 x Steel Tool
- 1 x Cleaning brush
- 1 x Glass Mouthpiece
- 1 x Linx 2-in-1 Lightning and Micro USB Charger