Glasscity Glass Bong with Showerhead Perc and External Cooling Tubes
Hits that are perfectly chilled for an extremely affordable price. The Glasscity Glass Bong with Showerhead Perc and External Cooling Tubes is equipped with all the features necessary to optimally enjoy your herbs, without it costing an arm and a leg. It features a reinforced fixed downstem, a slitted showerhead percolator, five perforated external cooling tubes and a slightly bent mouthpiece that allows you to smoke in a more relaxing, laid back position. So kick back, relax and enjoy all the amazingly filtered hits that this exquisite piece has to offer.
As the smoke travels through the reinforced fixed downstem it reaches the showerhead percolator where it exits through the multiple slits. The slits divide the smoke into smaller particles, increasing the surface area and enhancing the smoke to cool much more rapidly.
From there the smoke travels upwards through the five external tubes. The external cooling tubes are perforated, which splits the smoke and swirls it around, allowing it to cool significantly better. As it exits through the mouthpiece all that’s left is a perfectly gently hit that is packed with all the amazing flavors that your herbs have to offer, but incredibly mild on the throat and lungs.
Made from only the best quality borosilicate glass, it is built to withstand extreme temperatures differences. To complete your set-up is a 14.5mm glass herb bowl with glass handle is included with your purchase. The handle makes it easier to lift the bowl without burning your fingers.